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Qt 사이트에서  http://qt.nokia.com/

요기서 다운로드 - LGPL선택 -   Qt libraries 4.7.2 for Windows CE (237 MB) 다운


설치경로에 압축풀고 저는 " C:\qt-wince-4.7.2 " 요렇게 했음

환경변수에 QTDIR - C:\qt-wince-4.7.2
                Path - .....;C:\qt-wince-4.7.2\bin;
요렇게 추가후

참고로 본인의 wince SDK 는 " ODIGOS_3530 " 각  SDK이름에 맞춰하시길


nmake  하면

컴파일 된다

아마 대략 2시간 정도 걸린다.


Posted by 요지

Qt Supported Platforms

Qt 2011. 4. 6. 09:42

The Qt team strives to provide support for the platforms most frequently used by Qt users. We have designed our internal testing procedure to divide platforms into three test categories (Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3) in order to prioritize internal testing and development resources so that the most frequently used platforms are subjected to our most rigorous testing processes.

Qt is supported on a variety of 32-bit and 64-bit platforms, and can usually be built on each platform with GCC, a vendor-supplied compiler, or a third party compiler. Although Qt may be built on a range of platform-compiler combinations, only a subset of these are actively supported by Nokia.

Information about the specific platforms Qt runs on, and the compilers used on each platform, can be found on the Platform and Compiler Notes page.

Tier 1 Platforms

All Tier 1 platforms are subjected to our unit test suite and other internal testing tools on a frequent basis (prior to new version releases, source tree branching, and at other significant period points in the development process). Errors or bugs discovered in these platforms are prioritized for correction by the development team. Significant errors discovered in Tier 1 platforms can impact release dates and Qt Development Frameworks strives to resolve all known high priority errors in Tier 1 platforms prior to new version releases.

Platform Compilers

Linux (32 and 64-bit)

gcc 4.2

Microsoft Windows XP

gcc 4.4 (MinGW) (32-bit), MSVC 2005 (32 and 64-bit)

Microsoft Windows Vista

MSVC 2005, 2008

Microsoft Windows Vista 64bit

MSVC 2008

Microsoft Windows 7

MSVC 2008

Apple Mac OS X 10.6 "Snow Leopard"

As provided by Apple

Apple Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard" x86_64 (Cocoa 32 and 64bit)

As provided by Apple

Embedded Linux QWS (ARM)

gcc (Codesourcery version)

Windows CE 5.0 (ARMv4i, x86, MIPS)

MSVC 2005 WinCE 5.0 Standard (x86, pocket, smart, mipsii)

Symbian (Symbian/S60 5.0)

RVCT 2.2 [build 686 or later], WINSCW 3.2.5 [build 482 or later], GCCE (for applications)

Tier 2 Platforms

Tier 2 platforms are subject to ad hoc and internal testing. However, Qt users should note that errors may be present in released product versions for Tier 2 platforms and, subject to resource availability, known errors in Tier 2 platforms may or may not be corrected prior to new version releases.

Platform Compilers

Windows 7

MSVC 2010

Apple Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger" (Carbon)

As provided by Apple

Apple Mac OS X 10.5 "Leopard" (Carbon)

As provided by Apple

HPUXi 11.23

aCC 6.10

Solaris 10 UltraSparc

Sun Studio 12


Power5 xlC 7

Microsoft Windows XP

Intel Compiler


Intel Compiler

Embedded Linux QWS (Mips, PowerPC)

gcc (Codesourcery version)

Embedded Linux X11 (ARM)

gcc (Scratchbox)

Windows CE 5.0 (ARMv4i, x86, MIPS)

MSVC 2005 WinCE 5.0 Standard (x86, pocket, smart, mipsii)

Windows Embedded CE 6.0 (ARMv4i, x86, MIPS)

MSVC 2008 WinCE Embedded 6.0 Professional

Maemo 5(Linux, ARM, X11)

gcc (Scratchbox)

Symbian (Symbian/S60 3.1, 3.2)

RVCT 2.2 [build 686 or later], WINSCW 3.2.5 [build 482 or later], GCCE (for applications)

Note: The PPC architecture on Mac has been downgraded from tier 1 to tier 2 for 4.7.

Tier 3 Platforms (Not supported by Nokia)

All platforms not specifically listed above are not supported by Nokia. Nokia does not run its unit test suite or perform any other internal tests on platforms not listed above.

Even though some Tier 3 platforms are available under the Qt Commercial License, technical support is not included in that license. However, contact our sales team to find out about the availability of other services for those platforms.

Qt users should note, however, that there may be various open source projects, community users and/or Qt partners who are able to provide assistance with platforms not supported by Nokia.

General Legal Disclaimer

Please note that Qt is offered on an "as is" basis without warranty of any kind and that our products are not error or bug free. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Nokia on behalf of itself and its suppliers, disclaims all warranties and conditions, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement with regard to the Licensed Software.

Planned Changes for Qt 4.8

The following changes to the list of supported platforms are at time of publishing planned for Qt 4.8:

  • Plans not yet released

출처 : http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/supported-platforms.html

Posted by 요지

Visual Studio를 설치하는 동안 컴퓨터에 추가 구성 요소가 설치되었을 수 있습니다. 이러한 구성 요소는 [프로그램 추가/제거]를 사용하여 아래 나열된 순서대로 수동으로 제거해야 합니다.

참고: 이 구성 요소를 제거하면 해당 구성 요소를 사용하는 다른 응용 프로그램이 영향을 받을 수 있습니다.

Visual Studio에서 다음 구성 요소를 설치했을 수 있습니다.

Microsoft MSDN 2005 Express Edition
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Runtime 언어 팩
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Runtime
Microsoft Device Emulator 버전 1.0
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 1.0
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework 2.0
Microsoft SQL Mobile 2005 개발 도구
Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 재배포 가능 패키지
Microsoft Visual J# 2.0 재배포 가능 패키지 언어 팩
Microsoft Document Explorer 2005
Microsoft Document Explorer 2005 언어 팩
Microsoft Data Access Components 2.8 SP1(Windows 2000 전용)
다음 구성 요소는 SQL Server Express에서 설치되었을 수 있으며 아래 나열된 순서대로 제거해야 합니다.
참고: SQL Express 인스턴스를 제거한 후 남겨진 사용자가 만든 데이터베이스는 이후에 새 인스턴스에 다시 연결할 수 있습니다.

Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express CTP
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Tools CTP
Microsoft SQL Server 설치 지원 파일
Microsoft SQL 기본 클라이언트
다음 구성 요소는 마지막에 제거해야 합니다.

MSXML 6.0 파서 및 SDK(32비트 전용)
MSXML 6.0 파서 및 SDK x64(64비트 전용)
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 언어 팩
Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0

Posted by 요지

윈도우 7용 32&64 비트

xp 사용자 - 키젠들어있는데 이것으로 윈7 ↑ 인스톨시 가능

키젠넣어주고 인스톨하면 오케이!!
하지만 영어이므로 밑에 한글패치로 패치를 해줘야한다

한글패치(윈7 & xp 모두가능)

위 경로에  " ko " 파일을 붙여넣기해준다

그런후 옵션에서 저렇게 한국어를 선택하고 확인을 눌러주면된다.

Posted by 요지


듀얼 모니터 사용시 다음 모니터로 창을 이동


설치가 필요없이 바로 실행 가능 하며 크기가 작습니다.


단축키 창에 커서를 주고 원하는 단축키를 키보드로 누른뒤 '확인'을 누르면 됩니다
개인적으로 추천 단축키는 Ctrl+Shift+A키 입니다.
단축키 지정이 없으면 Pause카가 기본으로 됩니다.
지정된 단축키를 보실려면 트레이 아이콘에 커서를 올리시면 툴팁으로 지정된 키가 나옵니다.


- 제 작 자 : http://spur.wo.to

출처 : http://blog.naver.com/thespur/130029997429

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Posted by 요지